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Dr Dugalić spasio je na stotine života, a sada ga smenjuju zbog Lončara: “Zahvaljujući njemu živim bez straha, a imala sam tumor sa 15 metastaza”

: “Taj čovek mi je spasio život”, “Trčao je ispred nas, roditelja, da bi nam izlečio ćerku”, rečenice su kojima pacijenti počinju priču o prof. dr Vladimiru Dugaliću, koji je smenjen sa mesta načelnika u Prvoj hirurškoj klinici, nakon što je javno kritikovao ministra Zlatibora [...]

The main concept of the article is that Dr. Dugalić, a doctor credited with saving hundreds of lives, is being removed from his position due to his association with Lončar. The article highlights the impact Dr. Dugalić has had on patients, using a patient's testimony who credits him with saving her life after treating her tumor with 15 metastases. This juxtaposition of Dr. Dugalić's positive contributions and his sudden dismissal due to Lončar's involvement suggests a sense of injustice and raises questions about the motivations behind the decision.

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